We’ve been busy making improvements to our Payroll product, further enabling our customers to enjoy seamless cloud Payroll functionality. Our Payroll customers can now enjoy;

Customised Pay Rates
You can now add up to 25 Pay Rates specific to the various type of businesses such as Weekend Pay, Festival Pay, Peak Season Pay etc. for Restaurants or other Retail based Businesses.

Employee Delete & Restore Feature
No fear of losing Employee even after deleting the same, you may simply restore it anytime with all the relevant data and submissions.

Email Templates
Additional features to our email templates including pre-defined tags and added flexibility when sending emails. We’ve also made some rendering updates to ensure all emails look as they should in every inbox.

Childcare Vouchers
You are now able to add childcare vouchers to payroll details, which automatically recalculates taxation and NI.

Amend Personal Details
Personal Details such as Date of Birth, Marital Status can now be changed, even after making submissions to the HMRC

YTD Employment Allowance
Employment Allowance already claimed using any other Software can now be input.

If like to upgrade your Capium account to Payroll or you are interested in switching to our software, please get in touch.

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