HMRC update on changes to the MTD VAT online account and upcoming activity

This week, HMRC updated the timeline of communications activity on Making Tax Digital for VAT up to 30 January 2023. We are sharing this information with you because we want

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We want to help and support our Accountants as much as we can

Accountants and the UK: Coping with high rising cost of living A whitepaper for your clients Are your clients worried about higher food prices and energy prices? Not to mention

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How A Strong Brand Retains Customers

Why brand experience is important for customer loyalty We hate to be blunt, but businesses and firms with little to no brand presence can be off-putting for clients. A strong

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6 Reasons to Review Your Software Provider in Light of Rising Living Costs

If you’ve been following the news lately, you know that living costs in the UK have been increasing at an alarming rate. This is putting a lot of pressure on

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Capium announce £3 million in investment round to deliver ground-breaking efficiencies for the Future of Accounting and Bookkeeping

Capium is thrilled to announce that we have secured a significant amount of investment of three million pounds. This investment is an important step for the company, allowing Capium to

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Accounting for Inventory: What You Need To Know

Inventory accounting – how you should be handling inventory Onboarding a new client can be one of the trickiest parts of the accounting process if they have a large or

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Cubed Accountancy gets nominated for Fast-Track Firm of the Year by Accounting Excellence

At Capium, we thrive to support and encourage our customers’ to succeed. We are proud to announce and congratulate Cubed Accountancy for its nomination for this year’s Accounting Excellence award!

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MTD for ITSA – the basics. Keep calm and carry on!

MTD for ITSA is just 16 months away from its live day.  With MTD for ITSA only 16 months away, many people still feel unprepared for this change. We want

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Accounting Software VS Manual Accounting

As time goes on, more and more accountants are moving their workload onto a digital format, but some still prefer the more old-fashioned ways of working. Each process has its

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AML – What you need to know

The Anti Money Laundering (AML) guidance provides the accountancy industry with the requirements of the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017) which increased the scope from the earlier Money Laundering

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How to increase the value of your firm’s tax clients

While many consider automation in accounting with scepticism or a degree of fear, it really should be seen as an opportunity. You can take work that was being done by

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How much should you be charging for payroll?

It’s one of those age-old questions: How much should I be charging for my services? You don’t want to undersell yourself and end up losing money for your hard work,

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Celebrating 7 Years by Planting 7000 Trees

Did you know that Capium turned 7 this year? Well, we did! To celebrate, we’re thanking you all by planting 7000 trees. We want to do right by you. We

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How much should company secretarial cost?

How much should you be charging for company secretarial services? Starting a company secretarial service is a good move for many accounting firms – your clients need support to stay

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