Practice management is about more than software

Practice management is about people, not software – but software certainly helps! Smart firms use it to enable more and more meaningful connections between partners and clients, not to take

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What is Postponed VAT Accounting?

Businesses registered for VAT that import goods into the UK from anywhere in the world can use a new system called postponed VAT. How does postponed VAT Accounting work? If

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What’s your firm’s offer to eCommerce businesses?

In what has been a tough year for business, some sectors have thrived, including, most notably, eCommerce – and yet few accountants seem to be taking active steps to target

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MTD for corporation tax will change everything

With the prospect of corporation tax going fully digital from 2026, and the onward march of MTD in the meantime, how will your accountancy firm adjust to this new landscape?

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Life before cloud accounting – what’s changed in a decade?

In the past decade, accounting has been turned upside down by the arrival of cloud software, but firms that grasped the opportunity have generally thrived. If you’ve been an accountant

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Vaccines and historic debt: the threats and opportunities presented by 2021

As the problems of 2020 finally begin to dissipate, what can smart accountancy firms do to thrive in what looks set to be a similarly turbulent 2021? First, let’s treat

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Two birds, one stone: tackling Brexit and self-assessment together

There’s nothing like a big, scary deadline to focus the mind and in January 2021, accountants have two to contend with. First, on 1 January, the Brexit transition period will

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Accountants – start your side hustle now

If you’re thinking of starting your own small practice on the side, do it now – clients are on the move, remote working is the norm and the cloud is

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The Z² Group Ltd – Using Capium resulted in a 75% return on investment

When Charlotte Zacharia acquired a customer base of SMEs to boost her newly-formed accountancy firm back in 2016, she was conscious that her focus needed to be on business development,

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Could overseas outsourcing be the saviour of your accountancy practice in 2020?

Now do you believe that it doesn’t really matter where somebody is physically when it comes to doing a good job under pressure? With many of us having been working

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Ten reason to offer your clients payroll services

Now the shape of post-coronavirus landscape is beginning to look a little clearer, there are signs that businesses are coming out of their lockdown holding patterns. At the same time,

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Status of Lending in the UK

Now, more than ever, businesses are seeking financial support. Here we will keep you updated on the changing UK lending market. With over 360 lenders in the UK, only 40

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Cloud Practice Software – ripples of change are becoming waves as Capium wins 2020 Innovation Award

Fresh off the elite award scooped at the Accounting Excellence Awards, Capium is hailed at 2020 Innovation Awards as Software Partner of the Year. Having previously pipped major cloud accounting

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5 Reasons Why Capium’s New CoSec Service Is A Market Gamechanger

Capium prides itself on being an end-to-end, pure cloud suite that works seamlessly out of the metaphorical box. One price, one software and no need for a busy accountant to

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Off-payroll working rules: It’s time to get ready!

Introduced at the turn of the Millennium, IR35 has had a unique staying power compared to other compliance bugbears.  Dreamed up by Gordon Brown (remember him?), IR35 measures intended to

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“Without Capium, we wouldn’t have managed”: How Capium helped JSR Management double its client base

Since October, JSR Management has experienced impressive Client growth. The two director firm has doubled in size, and according to JSR’s Sue Robertson, they couldn’t have done it without Capium.

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“Who signs a 3-year deal on software anymore!?”

Earlier this week Team Capium erupted into fierce debate. Both sides fighting for a long-term 3-year deal with a 3rd party marketing software company. Never in the history of the

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