Anti-money laundering regulation is an unfair burden on accountants

In the age of international organised crime and global terrorism, nobody disagrees with the principle of anti-money laundering (AML) legislation, not least accountants, who’re required to do a lot of

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Automate compliance so you can focus on profitable advisory work

How does your accountancy firm differentiate itself from the competition? Most firms agree that accounting services fall into three main levels: compliance, performance and advisory.  Compliance sits at the foundation;

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How can accountants help clients go digital?

You know the client – the one who’s never been comfortable with everything going online, who prefers all their paperwork in physical form and would take a phone call over

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How 2020 accelerated MTD and cloud adoption

One of the many impacts of the pandemic has been the faster adoption of digital in both our business and personal lives.   So, while Netflix shares soared 60% between

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Value-based pricing vs the timesheet

  Should your firm charge based on time or value?  This question continues to be a controversial topic in the accounting industry. While some accountants remain staunch believers in the

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Promoting your firm using social media and digital networking

  Marketing can be expensive and frustrating but there are ways to boost your profile for free, with the investment of a little time. For instance, is your firm present

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If you’re going to niche, do your homework

  A lot of accountancy firms like the idea of specialising. Whether that’s by working with clients in a particular sector, of a particular size or by offering very specific

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‘’Efficient, innovative, and simply helpful Capium saved me £20k a year’’

  We spoke with Jonathan Myers, director of UWM Accountants who not only saved £20k with Capium but also increased his team’s efficiency and clients efficiency. Technology embracing software, the

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The changing of the guard: how many new firms will start in 2021?

We’re halfway through the year and the accountancy sector is fizzing with activity – we’re talking to people founding their own firms every week. This might seem a bit odd

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Easy navigation, seamless integration, and reasonable prices with Elizabeth Stanley

This month we spoke with Elizabeth Stanley, owner of Stanley finance, an accounting firm for small businesses that is using Capium to revolutionise and reduce her compliance workload into a

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Do accountants need ‘app stacks’ or a one-stop shop?

The way we think about software, for business use as well as personal, has changed dramatically in the last decade. No longer do you have to fill up your computer’s

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When can the accounting industry expect to go back to exhibitions?

Much as we like to sing the praises of digital connectivity, there’s sometimes no replacing the buzz of a crowd and the connections you can make by talking face-to-face. Understandably,

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Here’s The Truth – Capium Customers Speak Out

Award-winning accounting software provider Capium recaps 2021 so far, taking a look at Capium’s customer experience. Accountants have their say, sharing their honest opinion of Capium. Why have 1300+ accountants banked

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Outsourcing in reverse – running your business from abroad

If we learned one thing in 2020, it was that you don’t need to be at your place of business to run your business. Coronavirus may have put the brakes

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Open banking and the future of the accounting industry

Open banking has already kicked off some big changes in the financial sector, and there’s much more to come. For accountants, it’s an exciting opportunity to enhance your service and

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How to get your clients excited about cloud accounting

A decade and a half ago, ‘cloud’ was an exciting buzzword that was enough to get people excited in its own right. Now we’ve lived with cloud accounting for a

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What’s Changing in the New Tax Year 2021?

Are you ready for the changes? Our accountants are already getting ahead of the curve with our real-time compliant software. Is your software agile enough to roll with the punches?

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IXBRL Tagging – Capium’s Feature of the Week

Changing customer needs and radical technological developments have given rise to a game-changer that has not only challenged but advanced accountant’s day-to-day lives. Accounting software is the modern-day problem solver

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Cloud Accounting – Capium’s Feature of the Week

When it comes to accounting software every user has their go-to, favorite feature, that helps them go from manual data entry and time-consuming tasks to smashing their day-to-day tasks in

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