The 4 Biggest Cloud Bookkeeping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Technology has completely revolutionized the way we look at things now. And one industry that has changed 360-degrees is the accounting industry. It all started with software coming into the

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Expert Accounting Practice Tips For Small Business

Owning a business can be difficult. From dealing with customers, to keeping an eye on orders and sales, there is a lot on the plate of a business owner. With

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Expert Accounting Practice Tips For Small Business

Owning a business can be difficult. From dealing with customers, to keeping an eye on orders and sales, there is a lot on the plate of a business owner. With

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Our Payroll Product Update

We’ve been busy making improvements to our Payroll product, further enabling our customers to enjoy seamless cloud Payroll functionality. Our Payroll customers can now enjoy; Customised Pay Rates You can

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Benefit Your Employees, Your Clients and Your Business by Streamlining Your Accounting Practices

Compliance and technology trends are the hot topics for businesses and therefore, adopting new technologies and making some in-house accounting changes has become necessary to remain competent. Adapting the latest

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How to Manage an Accounting Business to Get the Most Out of It?

The significance of accountancy for any industry in the world today cannot be undermined. All business and organizations rely on accounting practices and financial information to flourish. Generally, however, most

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Making Tax Digital: Which Software Is Required?

If you are like most people, you have probably already heard about Making Tax Digital and how actively the government is trying to implement the new system. With the new

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How to Choose the Right Accounting Software

Accounting software may be extremely important for every type of business in the world today, however, most people do not know how to choose software which will be perfect for

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The First Foundation of MTD–Tax Simplified

Here at Capium, we have covered several informative blogs about Making Tax Digital (MTD) in an attempt to debunk the most common myths and to answer the most common queries our clients and

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The Third Foundation of MTD—Making Tax Digital for Individual Taxpayers

Making Tax Digital (MTD) has been causing ripples ever since its announcement in 2015. The concept behind this initiative is to make tax simpler for both the taxpayers and the

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The Second Foundation of MTD—Making Tax Digital For Businesses

For businesses, efficiency in any of their sub-systems is vital for the overall success. This is why most of the institutions incorporate automated systems that help them streamline their processes

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The 4 Modifications Suggested by the Finance Bill Sub-Committee Regarding the Implementation of MTD

The four main modifications put forward in the report published by the Sub-Committee to make sure that the road to the implementation of Making Tax Digital (MTD) is smooth, are

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The Finance Bill Sub-Committee Urges Government to Delay the Implementation of MTD

On 17 th March, 2017, the Finance Bill Sub-Committee published a report which underlined the need for the government to postpone the implementation of Making Tax Digital (MTD) for businesses.

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The Top 3 Takeaways from the Spring Budget 2017 for Businesses and Individuals

Britain is preparing its exit from the EU, which calls for reforms focusing on economic stability. Chancellor Philip Hammond presented his first Budget to the parliament, and here are the

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What Does the Spring Budget 2017 Mean for SMEs?

The Spring Budget for 2017 has just been announced, and there are many reforms regarding businesses that Chancellor Philip Hammond guarantees will make Britain “the best place in the world

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3 Reasons to Move Your Accounting Practice on the Cloud

You have probably heard of cloud technology and systems. Most of us have used them without knowing it . For instance, if you have ever shared files on Dropbox, or

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Making Tax Digital—Results of Consultations

  In August of 2016, the government published six documents of consultation, taking into account each sector and element that could be affected with the implementation of Making Tax Digital.

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All You Need to Know about Making Tax Digital (MTD)

HMRC is set to digitalise the taxation system in the country by the year 2020. This will be applicable for landlords, entrepreneurs and most businesses, and they would require digital

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Making Tax Digital (MTD) — Debunking the Myths about Making Tax Digital (MTD)

In the Budget announced in 2015, the government announced a plan for the digitalisation of the taxation system, which will make Britain’s taxation system the most digitally advanced all around

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